5 Must-See Attractions in Dubai

Much of the world we live in today is a result of human ingenuity. Nothing speaks to this more than the city of Dubai. Upon first glance, or even a lengthy exploration of the intricacies of the city, you might never know this now shining spectacle was once nothing more than another piece of the local desert. That’s right – through sheer willpower, technology, and human ingenuity, the people of Dubai have built their city out of nothing into one of the most appealing destinations the globe has to offer. So as not to miss one element of this, consider utilizing the luggage storage in Dubai Mal. From there, you only need to read further to uncover five must-see attractions in Dubai.

1.  The Dubai Mall: Must-See Attractions in Dubai

While we are talking about it, we may as well go into detail about the wonders of this mall. In fact, it is so immersive you could easily spend an entire day here and not see all it has to offer. This would be no fault of your own – it is literally one of the largest malls in the entire world. But that is not all this unique space has to offer. For one, it is less than fifteen years old and two, it remains open at least sixteen hours a day. So, from top to bottom, you will be hard pressed to identify a better singular option to see within Dubai.

2.  Burj Khalifa

But who is to say you must limit yourself to a single attraction within this city? No one, actually.  Seeing as this modern city has more than you could uncover in a week, you best get to getting so to speak. Truthfully, the world’s tallest building should be next on your list as it is on ours. The Burj Khalifa, or as it is known in popular culture, the Mission Impossible building, stands more than half a mile up in the air. Unless you see this monstrosity in person, your brain will never fully grasp just how high that is. To be blunt, the Burj Khalifa is one of the attractions you simply cannot choose to miss.

3.  The Global Village

If you thought the only culture you would encounter on your trip to Dubai would be those of Middle Eastern descent, you could not be further from the truth. That is, if you choose to visit Dubai’s Global Village. Here, you will have the opportunity for a hands-on experience with more than 90 different cultures from all over the world. Maybe the biggest draw of this entire aspect of the city are the regular concerts the Global Village puts on. In these, as with everything in this village, there is no shortage of popular, multicultural, people. But the concerts are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Think of the Global Village as a smorgasbord of an amusement park, massive food court, and traditional market.

4.  Hop aboard a yacht tour!

Despite what the old heads of family and culture might want for their heritage, it is an undeniable fact that cultures have continued to evolve alongside our modern world. Such is the case in Dubai. To witness a physical example of this for yourself, turn your eyes to the Persian Gulf. Here, you will see an overwhelming number of yachts. Thanks to the economic boom over the last handful of decades, the Middle East has come into the money so to speak. This is reflected in their aquatic vessel choices. Should you choose to rent one of these for yourself, you will see exactly what the appeal is. Honestly, viewing this city from this angle is not something you will want to skip out on either.

5.  Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark

The setting behind the city of Dubai, a literal desert, does not inspire thoughts of water or water related activities. In fact, it is the antithesis of water. But what if we told you that while visiting this city, you have the chance to swim with sea creatures? Additionally, what if, in that same place, you could choose to go flying down a waterslide? This is exactly what Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark has to offer each visitor who comes through their gates. Assuming more than 100 waterslides and access to dolphins is something that interests you, you should consider spending an afternoon here. Of course, this space is still in the desert. So please, do not forget your sunscreen or the rest of your trip might not involve much sightseeing.

Truth be told, there are so many more must-see attractions in Dubai than what we have covered here. But you must start somewhere instead of letting the culture shock get the better of you. Be bold and make the most of your time in this luxurious city.

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