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The Inside Out of a Consent Verification System

Consent verification is a service provided by digital identity verification solutions. It is designed for a purpose that fraudsters can longer fool the ID verification system. The consent of the customer is important, and businesses cannot undertake certain tasks without it. But, this perk is readily abused by some bad actors. When businesses take verbal consent from the customers, there is always a risk of people going back on their word. In return, it negatively impacts businesses. So, consent verification avoids this scenario from happening and makes the identity verification process transparent.

What is Biometric Consent Verification?

Consent verification combines various authentication processes like biometric recognition, document validation, and hand-written note verification. As the process is performed, digitally, facial recognition is used as biometric technology. Consent of the customer is taken through a handwritten note. It contains whichever information the business requires its customers to show. Moreover, the identity of the user is verified by matching their face in the video with the one portrayed on the government-issued identity document. Thus, the amalgam of these authentication processes bulletproofs the ID verification and consent capturing process.

Walkthrough of the Consent Verification Process

The consent verification process takes the user from the following steps:

  1. The facial biometrics information of the user is taken through their system’s camera. The system checks for liveness detection and any spoofing attempts.
  2. Then, the user is asked to upload a picture of a government-issued ID document like a passport. The user can also show it to the camera.
  3. Then, the system verifies the identity of the user by matching their biometrics and passport picture.
  4. Following this, the user holds the hand-written consent note in front of the camera.
  5. The process ends when the OCR technology extracts the text from the note.
  6. The whole verification process is recorded for proof and future reference.

Why is Digital Consent Verification Needed?

The COVID-19 pandemic has perpetuated identity theft and fraud. With business operations shifting online, companies are providing certain discretions to customers for gaining a competitive edge in the market. These perks allow customers more freedom in the refund process. But, criminals bend the rules of the system and exploit the perks given for the assistance of people. Manipulation of the chargeback process can significantly be minimized if the consent of the customer is taken beforehand. This applies to a wide variety of industries ranging from e-commerce to the travel and tourism industry.

Moreover, the prevalence of identity fraud can also be impeded with this service. Spoof and replay attacks can be readily detected by the biometric identification part of this process. Furthermore, the AI-assisted document scanning step checks the identity documents for authenticity and originality. This way, document forgery attempts are quelled. Finally, intelligent Optical Character Recognition (OCR) provides the highest accuracy when it comes to extracting handwritten information from the consent note. Therefore, the result which is achieved at the end of the verification process satisfies both the customers and businesses.

Which Industries Require a Consent Verification Service?

Nowadays, almost every industry requires an automated identity verification system. Businesses, primarily, need it for KYC and AML compliance along with ensuring the security of the customer onboarding process. Together with this, capturing and verifying the consent of the customer is also vital to their needs. To impede identity fraud and minimize chargebacks, businesses demand a system running on cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

This solution is not only limited to performing one-time registrations but also post-sign-up access checks. This is a major deal for the e-commerce industry as it would ensure that the identity of the user is the same as on their debit or credit card.

E-commerce businesses can ask their customers to show a hand-written note with details like the time and date of order placement. Moreover, the insurance industry can employ this service to curb various insurance frauds if customized insurance information is shown digitally. Similarly, financial institutions and delivery companies can also reap the benefits of a biometric consent verification solution.

Check out: How to Get a Verified Badge on Instagram?

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