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7 Best Automation Testing Tools That You Should Try

We are in the era of automation everywhere. The ever-increasing pace of work demands automation testing tools that are developed to make our work routines easy and efficient. This blog has compiled a list of high-rated automation testing tools.

Automation testing is software execution that automatically executes test cases and produces test results without human intervention.

It’s a step ahead of manual testing, saves human effort and time to a great extent, and leaves little or no room for testing errors. Once ready, automated tests can be run an unlimited number of times to test the same application, minimizing redundant manual work.

Top 7 Automation Testing Tools

  • TestGrid

The hybrid testing platform, TestGrid, can be hosted on-site or in the cloud. The platform has made it easy to test mobile apps and websites. With TestGrid, customers can automate testing without writing code on real devices and leverage the features to enhance their selenium or Appium scripts.

Users can quickly complete their large number of test cases by testing in parallel with TestGrid. Users of the platform don’t even need to bother about building new test cases because they can reuse nearly all of the existing ones for both the original app and subsequent iterations.

TestGrid also enables you to reuse previously created test cases on different apps for faster test execution and market launch. For continuous testing, TestGrid interacts with your preferred CI/CD solution.

  • LambdaTest

LambdaTest is an automation testing tool for desktop and web applications. With LambdaTest, you can perform manual and automated cross-browser testing on over 2000 desktop and mobile browsers in the language you prefer, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, etc.

With LambdaTest, you can cut your testing time by testing in parallel. You can also test geo-blocking, geo-targeting, and geo-location in over 27 countries, including India, the USA, Japan, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, etc.

  • Katalon

Katalon Studio is a powerful integrated automation testing tools for web, mobile, and web applications. It can also support browsers/devices like Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android, and iOS.

It supports different levels of testing skills. Even for non-programmers, this tool is easy to start an automation test project. Katalon Studio can be integrated into CI/CD professions and works well with other popular tools such as qTest, Jira, Git, and Jenkins. Its remarkable feature Katalon Analytics provides users with test execution reports, including metrics, charts, and graphs.

  • Ranorex

Ranorex is an interface testing framework for desktop, mobile, and web applications. The Ranorex suite is composed of Ranorex Studio, dedicated to desktop and mobile applications, and Ranorex web test, dedicated to websites and applications.

Ranorex is a reasonably comprehensive business automation tool for web, mobile, and desktop testing. The tool offers advanced features for GUI recognition, reusable test scripts, bug detection, and record/playback.

No-code test authoring is a handy feature that allows new automation testers to learn and apply test automation to their projects. In addition, the tool supports Selenium integration for web application testing. Testers can distribute their test execution across platforms and browsers using the Selenium Grid.

  • Testim

Testim.io leverages machine learning to create, execute, and maintain automated test cases. We can use dynamic locators and learn with every run. As a result, writing tests can be done instantly and become stable and self-learning, so there’s no need to keep updating them every time a piece of code is changed.

Testim recordings are edited in their visual editor after being made. AI-based locators lock on elements automatically. The discrete objects known as test steps can be set, shared, grouped, and parameterized. By highlighting redundant test steps that can be replaced with shared objects, Testim aids in maintaining clean tests.

  • Perfecto

Perfecto is a cloud-based mobile and web application testing software designed to help businesses in various industries, such as retail, insurance, finance, media, entertainment, banking, technology, etc., test applications on different operating systems and devices. It allows users to automate processes related to advanced test cases and access browser versions and devices based on individual requirements.

Perfecto test automation solution supports automated testing on cross-browser and mobile devices. It can also be integrated with various test automation frameworks.


ACCELQ is a cloud-based platform for automated API testing and continuous functional testing, which uses NLP and application abstraction to test at any stage of the development of an application. Out-of-the-box support is offered for recent application development technologies, including HTML5, Kendo, Bootstrap, and Google, and dynamic web application technologies such as Angular JS.

The creation of test scenarios based on path analysis and prediction analysis is made possible by ACCELQ’s App Universe and Predictive Scenario Designer. Unique test data permutations are determined to cover all possible business process scenarios. Application abstraction makes planning, designing, creating, and testing in conjunction with application development possible to progress at any level of availability, stability, or readiness apps. The reconciliation engine automatically performs the abstraction when the application is ready to be launched.


All Automation testing tools has unique features to offer to meet the growing software automation challenges of the coming years. All of these process automation tools provide a deep and complex feature set.

If you are looking for a solution to your automation testing projects, the above tools can help you overcome common automation testing challenges. However, TestGrid provides the best automation tool in the software testing world by catering to different types of manual testing. It is easy, simple, and fast!

Check out: How To Automate QA Testing: An In-depth Guide

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