Businesses are increasingly interested in how customers’ use of social media affects their purchasing choices. Businesses have had to adapt their marketing methods to keep up with the ever-changing nature of the internet as a result of the popularity of social media platforms. Hence, it is becoming more important to comprehend the role that social media plays in shaping consumer habits and, by extension, purchasing choices. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the influence of social media on consumer spending behaviour by reviewing the relevant research and drawing conclusions about such behaviour.
The study’s central question is this: to what extent do people’s social media profiles affect their propensity to make a purchase? The major goal of this research was to conduct a thorough analysis of the relevant literature, identify knowledge gaps, and provide recommendations for improving firms’ use of social media in marketing. This will be accomplished by investigating the conceptual foundations of the interplay between social media and consumer behaviour, surveying empirical research on the influence of media platforms on purchasing choices, and analysing the ramifications of these results for organisations.
The study’s argument is that social media has grown so pervasive in today’s society that billions of individuals regularly use different kinds of social media. So, companies have come to see the value of social media as a formidable marketing tool that can be utilised to interact with customers, raise product profile, and boost revenue. Yet, the research is divided on whether or not social media really influences consumers to make a purchase. This work aims to address this knowledge gap by conducting a thorough literature review and analysis.
The following are the objective of this dissertation:
- To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the literature concerning the effect of social media on consumer purchasing behaviour.
- The goal of this study is to discover what aspects of social media impact people’s purchasing choices.
- Examine the impact of social media advertising on sales volume.
The purpose of this research is to advise companies on how they may enhance their social media marketing campaigns.
These goals were established with the expectation that they will assist close knowledge gaps in the field and provide companies practical advice for improving their social media marketing campaigns. This research will also contribute to our understanding of modern consumer behaviour by shedding light on the elements that motivate people to make purchases while using social media.
This dissertation has the following outline: The theoretical foundations of the link between social media and consumer behaviour are discussed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, we will discuss research that has looked at how consumers’ use of social media influences their purchasing habits. The results of the research discussed in Chapter 3 are analysed and their ramifications for companies are discussed in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 concludes with a summary of the study’s major results and conclusions as well as suggestions for further investigation.
Literature Review
People’s reliance on social media to keep up with friends, family, and favourite companies has skyrocketed in recent years. Because of this, companies are increasingly using social media to sell their goods and services, realising that it has the ability to affect customer behaviour. As a result, studies on how social media influences consumers’ spending habits are multiplying.
The goal of this evaluation of relevant literature is to assess the state of knowledge about the influence of social media on consumers’ purchasing choices. The review will look at the most heated discussions in the literature and locate any gaps in our understanding. The objective is to formulate a research question that has scholarly merit and can add to the ongoing discussion on the issue.
Definition and Conceptual Framework
There are now billions of people using social media platforms throughout the world, making them a formidable force in today’s society. Individuals and groups may network, disseminate knowledge, and discuss a wide range of issues using these channels. Consumer behaviour, including purchases, have been profoundly affected by the rise of social media and its subsequent shift in the way people interact.
The term “social media” refers to a collection of online tools that facilitate the dissemination and discussion of written and visual materials. Many people’s lives today would be unimaginable without social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The real-time communication and user-generated material that can be quickly shared and distributed to a large audience are two of social media’s defining characteristics.
The conceptual foundation for analysing how social media affects consumer behaviour is intricate and multifaceted. Consumer behaviour is heavily influenced by societal pressure. Connecting with people, talking about your life, and getting input from your friends and family is all possible thanks to social media. An individual’s opinion of a product or service and their subsequent choice to buy may be profoundly influenced by this kind of feedback.
The importance of social media in the process of content creation and dissemination is another fundamental idea underpinning the framework. Businesses often utilise social media to spread the word about their wares, raise consumer knowledge of their brand, and foster two-way communication with their clientele. Consumers’ attitudes and decisions about a brand and its goods may be affected by the data shown here.
In addition, customers may have access to product information and feedback through social media, allowing them to make more educated purchases. Consumers now rely heavily on social media as an aid in making purchasing decisions because of the wealth of information it provides and the ease with which they can compare prices and features.
Finally, in recent years, social media platforms have become increasingly utilised in e-commerce. Features on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram make it possible for companies to sell wares directly to users, streamlining the shopping process for end users.
Theoretical Framework
The effect of social media on purchasing decisions has garnered more attention in recent years. Numerous different theoretical models have been put out to try to make sense of this observation. One such hypothesis proposes that people’s actions are impacted by those they associate with. According to social influence theory, users are more inclined to follow the advice of those already part of their social network when deciding what to buy.
Social identity theory is an alternative explanation for how social media affects consumer behaviour. According to this view, people’s sense of identity is shaped by the groups to which they belong. According to social identity theory, consumers’ online spending is affected by their need to present a certain image and blend in with their social circle.
Another concept that has been used to describe how social media influences consumer behaviour is social comparison theory. According to this hypothesis, people constantly measure their own worth by contrasting it to that of others. Consumers’ desire to conform to the norms and practises of their social network may impact their purchasing choices, according to social comparison theory as it applies to social media.
These theoretical frameworks have been validated by empirical research. For instance, research by Wang and Zhang (2018) indicated that friends’ recommendations significantly influenced people’s online shopping behaviour. Consumers are more prone to rely on the thoughts and suggestions of their online friends and acquaintances, according to the survey.
Another research that indicated social identity affected consumers’ online spending habits was conducted by Chen and Shen in 2015. Consumers are more inclined to buy goods that have a connection to their social identity and the organisations to which they belong, according to the research.
Lastly, social comparison has been shown to affect customers’ purchasing choices on social media, according to research by Li and Liang (2017). Based on what they see their friends doing on social media, customers are more inclined to follow their lead when making purchases, according to the research.
Together, the theoretical frameworks and empirical investigations examining the effects of social media on consumer behaviour provide important insights. Marketers and companies may design successful social media strategies to influence customer purchasing choices by understanding these concepts and research.
The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior
In recent years, consumer behaviour has been profoundly affected by the rise of social media. The majority of consumers now use social media as a research tool before making a purchase. Recent scholarship has examined the effects of social media on consumer choice at length. Several studies have shown the importance of social media in the decision-making process, namely during the deliberation, awareness, and assessment phases.
The value of social media in promoting a company’s name and reputation cannot be overstated. Several businesses now use social media for marketing and public relations purposes. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, among others, have evolved into significant channels for publicising products and services. Research shows that social media may affect how customers feel about and engage with a company.
There has been a lot of research on how social media affects a company’s credibility and the trust of its customers. Evidence suggests that social media might boost credibility and trustworthiness by increasing openness and accountability. Yet, the confidence and credibility of consumers has been harmed by questions about the trustworthiness and authenticity of content on social media.
There has been a lot of research and discussion in recent years on how social media affects people’s decisions to buy things and what they do while they’re shopping. Numerous research have shown that social media has a significant impact on consumers’ desire to buy and actual spending habits. Consumers’ purchasing choices may be influenced by the availability of product information, reviews, and recommendations from friends and family shared via social media.
Methodology of Studies Reviewed
This part principal purpose is to provide a summary of the research strategies and procedures used in the studies discussed up to this point. It will also assess the benefits and drawbacks of the various approaches.
Surveys, experiments, and content analysis were only some of the research methodologies used in the studies discussed up to this point. Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of social media on customer behaviour, while surveys were utilised to obtain data on consumer behaviour and views towards social media. Consumer behavior-related social media postings and comments were analysed using content analysis.
Researchers were able to obtain copious amounts of data from a wide range of people by using questionnaires. The research shed light on how consumers use and feel about social media. The studies’ use of controlled trials enabled investigators to examine potential causes and effects between social media and buyer actions. Researchers were able to employ content analysis to examine the wording of social media postings and comments pertaining to consumer behaviour.
The methods’ benefits lie in their extensive data collection, causality testing, and linguistic analysis. They do, however, have their limits. Self-reporting by survey respondents is only as reliable as the respondent themselves. The capacity of experiments to account for all possible influences on customer behaviour is a major limitation. One of content analysis’s drawbacks is the possibility of bias introduced by the researchers themselves.
The evaluated research’ techniques have, on the whole, shed light on how social media affects consumers’ actions. Nonetheless, researchers performing their own study should be cognizant of the constraints imposed by these approaches.
Critical Evaluation of the Literature
This part will analyse the quality of the previously cited research. First, the literature’s advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted, then the literature’s gaps and contradictions will be pointed out. Future research implications are then explored.
The variety of accessible research on the effect of social media on consumer behaviour is a key strength of the examined literature. The research examined a wide variety of issues, including how social media influences consumers’ decision-making, how it shapes their perceptions of brands, and what effect it has on their confidence in those brands. The strength and usefulness of the literature review are guaranteed by such thorough treatment of the issue.
Yet, inconsistency in the approaches used is a major flaw in the studied literature. Surveys, interviews, and experiments were all employed in various investigations. It is challenging to compare and synthesise results across studies due to the lack of consistency in research methodology and approaches. The results can’t be extrapolated from studies with small samples or those that were only done in one area.
The literature study further falls short since it only looks at a subset of social media sites. Researchers devoted more attention to established social media sites like Facebook and Twitter than to up-and-coming sites like TikTok and Clubhouse. Considering the ever-changing nature of social media, such a narrow perspective risks providing just a partial picture of how social media influences consumers’ actions.
Research on how social media affects consumer behavior in underdeveloped nations is lacking, making it one of the gaps in the literature. Most of the research analysed took place in wealthy nations, thus our understanding of how social media influences consumer behaviour in developing nations is limited. As there is a lack of information on this subject, there is room for new studies to fill the void.
Standardized research procedures and approaches are needed for future studies to enable comparison and synthesis of data from different research projects. The influence of social media on consumer behaviour in developing nations and the study of new social media platforms are both important areas for future study. Lastly, in order to fully understand the impact of social media on consumer behaviour, longitudinal studies are essential.
Although the studies we looked at did shed light on how social media affects consumers, more work is needed to fill in the blanks and smooth out the irregularities.
This critical literature study reveals that social media has a big effect on shoppers’ habits. Customers’ purchasing choices may be influenced by the information, reviews, and suggestions they find on social media sites. The theoretical and conceptual framework, which includes social influence theory, social identity theory, and social comparison theory, has helped researchers understand how social media affects consumers.
Theoretical accounts of the effects of social media on brand awareness, brand image, and consumer purchase intent have been corroborated by empirical research. Nevertheless, there are several restrictions and discrepancies in the literature, including the need for further study into the effect of social media on customer trust and credibility and the lack of consistency in research techniques.
This data may be used by marketers and practitioners to improve their social media campaigns and win over more customers. There is a need for methodological consistency and more study of the influence of social media on consumers’ perceptions of trustworthiness and credibility.
In essence, our analysis of the existing literature on the effects of social media on consumer behaviour has offered a thorough assessment of the state of the field. Understanding the literature’s merits and flaws allows us to zero in on research and development opportunities.