I’ve been playing Call of Duty: Vanguard for at least 4 years, and with every new CoD installment, there’s a vast new group of players with the question — ‘How do I get better at Call of Duty?’. If you haven’t noticed already, the CoD series doesn’t change much with every new game. This means that many of the skills needed to “be good” at the game don’t change either. While it’s true that the more time you spend playing, the better you’ll get, there are some valuable skills that you can learn and work on in-game. In this guide, I’ll give you a handful of skills that a pro CoD player MUST HAVE to complete. Hopefully, you’ll take something away from this guide and get better as a player.
Map Awareness, in a nutshell, means being aware of what’s going on around the Map. If you’re a new player, you’re probably wondering, “Well, how the hell am I supposed to pay attention to the WHOLE Map when I have so much chaos happening in front, to the left, to the right, on the floor, and above me?” The truth is, higher-skilled players are very aware of the whole Map. Having Map Awareness will keep you updated on where the enemies are and where your teammates are positioned. You can develop a couple of different habits to complete this, and believe me — it will help you a lot.
First off, you have a Mini-Map. This Mini-Map displays a lot of the Map you can’t see right in front of you. Make it a habit to glance at the Mini-Map very often. When you glance at the Mini-Map often, you’ll notice where the enemies are (red dots), and you’ll most importantly know where your teammates are. Players are constantly worried about the enemies but ignore where their teammates are positioned. If you check your Mini-Map and a teammate is covering the same area you are, why would you both cover one area? Make yourself more valuable, give yourself a better chance at picking up some kills, and cover a different place. It’s frustrating when players ignore their Mini-Map and end up covering the same area you’re covering — it’s pointless.
Another way of having better Map Awareness is CALL OUTS! When you get killed or see an enemy run across a specific part of the Map, you should tell your teammates where that enemy is. This is usually done by Calling Out the particular area of the Map. This may be hard if you’re a lone wolf without an organized team, but if you do have a clan, then Call Outs are something you’ll want to work on with your line. Every professional, organized and pro CoD player and the team uses Call Outs for every game, and there’s no game they play where they aren’t calling out the enemy’s position constantly. To work on this, you and your clan need to share the same names about different areas of the maps. After you guys are on the same page about what other places are called, it’s just a matter of making it a habit to Call Out enemies in those areas.
This habit is effortless, but there’s still a lot of players who go into matches not paying enough attention to what the Objective is. The only way you’ll win is if you complete the Objective! If you spend way too much time just wandering around the Map looking for kills, you’ll most likely be losing a lot of time on the clock. Many game types in Call of Duty are Objective-based, and they all come with a time frame in which you must complete them. Think of it as a race to complete the task; if you’re not even on the track… you won’t finish the race. Achieving the Objective will not only give you the win, but it will also give you a lot more XP than you would get if you lost. Often if you’re completing the Objective, you’re also just dominating the games in kills, so it’s two birds with many guns for some players.
A lot of players ask, how can I get better Gunskill? There’s no secret formula to this, and not much you can do besides actually play the game. My advice to many players would be to pick a top-tiered (really well-rounded) gun and stick with that gun for a while. The more time you spend using a weapon, the better you’ll get with that gun. You’ll notice you’ll do a lot better than your friends who cycle through a lot of guns over time.
Your Sensitivity can also make a difference. The typical pro CoD player plays on Sensitivity of around 3-4. Mainly because at about 3-4, you’ll be able to move around at an efficient speed, and your gun will be stable when you get into gunfights. If you’re playing at anything above 3-4, I’d advise you to take it down a few levels. Playing at a sensitivity above 5 means your reticle is more sensitive and will give you a more challenging time when you want to be accurate.
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